
12 Principles for Personal Fulfilment

It is not only true that ‘variety is the spice of life’, but also that life gives birth to a variety of elements, depending upon the kind and the degree of inputs which are processed in its intricate womb, so to say. The quality of inputs determines the quality of outputs that life gives. Thus, life is a dynamic that reflects a scale of the value and the state of different personalities all over the world.

Life is said to be a dynamic because it is a function of certain ‘cosmos laws’ that direct its affairs and it is such that if left uncontrolled, they will act in mastery over persons who are under its influence. For this reason, many people’s experiences have shown that life does not readily give what man desires or expects. All things in nature work by principles (which we have termed cosmos laws).

In the real sense of it, life should be an enjoyable moment of one’s existence as a living being, but it will not readily deliver such expectations unless one works by essential principles that will yield desirable results for one’s good.

Therefore, every man should be ready to take responsibilities with a dogged commitment to reign in life. If you don’t dictate to life what you want from it, life will give whatever pleases its sense of judgment, and this is usually far below what is desirable. One must be active as well as proactive. To be passive – doing little or nothing to harness the principles and forces of life – will pull you towards a direction that is frustrating and disappointing.

Inarguably, some are ‘great’ while some are ‘small’, the difference being the manner in which each category takes, handless and manages life. That difference, no matter how small, is an extra mile that the great minds cover. That makes them extraordinary. That extra is excellence.
To someone, life is hard; to another, it is pleasant. So, life means different things to different people because of different inputs involved. The big question before you is: what do you want out of life?

Now, if you are in such a state that you know there is got to be more to the life that you are living now, the following guidelines could be of help, if and only if you want to move from where you are to where you should be. The guidelines, though not exhaustive, are a part of the instruments that will put the cosmos laws together to make things work for your excellence in life.

1. Search yourself and provide a definite answer to this question: who am I? The discovery of your real self is tied to the discovery of your purpose of living, and vice versa.

2. Examine your attitudes to life. Pour attitudes (such as pessimism, slothfulness and thoughtlessness) will only put you on low levels where you will be a slave or product of circumstances.

3. Define your problems, be it spiritual, professional, or intellectual, and then solve them. If spiritual, seek God. If professional, upgrade your profile. If intellectual, renew your mind.

4. Diagnose and cure your weaknesses (such as anger, temper, carelessness, indulgence, forgetfulness, impatience). Potentially, weaknesses, if left uncontrolled, are breakers. They can break your marriage bond, break your business, and break your viability in life.

5. Re-evaluate your priorities to ensure that all your activities are geared towards your vision and purpose. Don’t be waster of time- a valuable resource. There is time for your purpose of living. Maximize and optimize it. The time is limited.

6. Re-direct your innate energies wherever you have engaged yourself in irrelevant and unnecessary matters such as jestings, improper entertainments, idle talks etc. You will be held responsible for what whatever becomes of your life.

7. Draw a policy with clear, well-defined objectives. Let your plan be definite and detailed so that you can run very well in your pursuit of purpose.

8. Set achievable goals to realize the vision. That amounts to strategic implementation strategy. The goals are the small modules of operation into which the vision is broken for efficiency.

9. Kick start your programmed policy of vision and purpose. Promptness to action is imperative in one’s pursuit. Procrastination will defer your personal fulfillment in life.

10 Make necessary adjustments and modifications. The purpose of God is fixed but program set-up for realizing it is subject to changes because of unforeseen challenges that will arise at certain points. To circumvent them may call for definite changes.

11. Build yourself, your profile and your portfolio as you go from phase from phase in the journey of life. This is done by getting more skills, training, virtues, ideas, etc from time to time.

12. Relax your mind and body. Recreation is a part of life. This enhances your productivity and performance. That is a health tip for you.

Take control of life for your own good. Cultivate an attitude of excellence towards achieving your goals. It is quite vital that you have a network of value – adding friends. Stop being a mediocre! Life can be enjoyed maximally and optimally in spite of some threatening challenges that sometime wound up around an individual.

Be in charge.
Take charge.
Be in full control lest you become a product of circumstances.

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