
Millionaires Secrets: How the Internet Big Dogs Got Away with Six-Figure Income

Indeed, the Internet is vast with countless number of people, corporations, and institutions that seek to catch the attention of hundreds, thousands and millions of people. This is a vital element of millionaires’ secrets. There are varied objectives for securing a cyberspace in this present information age. The Internet is a voice with multiple effects which are a function of the kinds of websites or blogs therein. Besides, it is a solid, ever-growing platform for performing various people-oriented activities which include business, education, and the likes. The activity that takes the biggest toll of operation is associated with those of financial and economic prospects. Most internet gurus are business experts. They smile down to their banks every month! So, if you want to achieve financial freedom, you must imbibe the millionaires’ secrets. Such people follow simple strategic business ethics which help them to achieve their financial visions. Therefore, anyone who wants to do online business must learn business values before he can earn anything. People only pay for values in terms of utility factor of a product or service, and thus to be successful with prospective customers requires being strategic. Success begins from knowing how a successful internet millionaire starts it and how he does it. For a success-oriented online business program, create where you are going to start. There must be an initiative to chart the course of a financial vision. This point is relevant because there are a number of business models on the internet. The self-made millionaire who always gets away with hundreds and thousands of dollars must have adopted one or more of the following: 1. Affiliate marketing 2. Article Marketing 3. Website Hosting Services 4. Paid membership sites 5. Information marketing However, it is advisable to promote the kind of business that matches your interests and goals. You must be tough in your aim. Never give up in your pursuit. It may not come easy at first. The fact is that success comes with both correct information and experimentation. Spend a portion of your money on e-books that will show you vital secrets on your business. In fact, that is what many people don’t want to hear. They are always looking for free things. They are limited. Earning potential is a function of learning from experienced people. Even, those who have been in the business for years still search for tips every now and then. There is competition in this Information Age. Don’t be afraid of competition! It is always a driving force that will make you search out hidden for more of millionaires’ secrets which are a cutting edge, thereby giving you an edge over others. All of these facts tell us of why many fail in their pursuit. Do you want a short-cut to lasting, quick wealth? Click here


The Law of Attraction: A Million Dollar Mess You Don’t Really Need!

Centuries have gone by, and many hypotheses, theories and theorems have been postulated by virtue of the experiences and efforts of some individuals. In the same vein, someone just woke up from his sleep and postulated the law of attraction, thereby mesmerizing multitudes, if not millions of people all over the world.

What is the Law of Attraction?

In the simplest terms, the law of attraction is the principle, an attitude or an art of consciously drawing into being what is intangible using the power of the psyche. It tells you that what you imagine is what you get; what you think is what you possess.

The law simply employs the process of visualization of a desired goal at the subjective level until it is realized. In other words, you harness the power of the mind to attract the reality of any thing you want in life.

The law of attraction is a postulate that you attract to yourself what you think, imagine or visualize in your mind. So by implication, you attract misfortune if you think in that line; you attract fortunes if you have that line of thoughts as well.

Why is the Law of Attraction a Mess?

Having known the key elements of this postulate, is there any shortcoming? Why is it a mess you don’t really need?

First and foremost, I would like to remind you of Napoleon Hill who wrote a book titled “Think and Grow Rich”. Did he make a mess of himself? Well, he almost did. This is because he was not really rich. His experiences showed some naivety. Have you read the book? If yes, have you been able to think and grow rich thus far? If not, why not?

If we would be sincere with ourselves, untold numbers of people have read the book, yet they are still poor. They have junks to fight with in respect of the ideas. Now in this century, we have the law of attraction. Of what use is it?

Let me frankly tell you this that the problem with many people is not that there are no good, value-adding publications on their shelves. There are too many good books here ad there but the problem is that of real results to show for the vast amount of knowledge propagation.

That’s why I also want to postulate that the law of attraction is a million Dollar idea but a mess you don’t really need because like so many people, you wouldn’t do what Jack Canfield did to make his fortunes. If you need it, you should do what he did. In other words, the good idea you know but do not apply is a total mess. Consciously or unconsciously, you drop it into the waste basket at a corner of your mind.

Inarguably, the law of attraction is just a re-caption of Isaac Newton’s third law of motion which states that action and reaction are equal and opposite. Take note of the keywords, attraction and motion.

From the foregoing, the law of attraction is a driving force that puts you on the motion, which is an action word, so as to cause a definite attraction of a targeted fortune or breakthrough. The man who postulated the principle was on motion. He did not sit back in his home, expecting Dollar notes to rush in. He laid a demand on his brain and put his hands to work, and his legs went to places that matter.

There is one mystery about this law. When it is in motion within your mind, all the forces of nature begin to work for you. It is no wonder why Jack stumbled upon vital relationships that eventually helped him walk into breakthroughs.


Destiny Synonym: Demystifying Human Existence and Events in Life

Over the centuries, there have been controversies on the authenticity of human being having a destiny that must come to be. To some, it is real. To some, it is an illusion. People of different races have varying views about life and destiny, thus, the need to demystify this thing believed to be a myth by using simple destiny synonym so that an average person who is seeking insight will come to appreciate destiny meaning.

Destiny Definition

In some cultures or races, it is generally believed that human existence is subject to chances and that whatever, either good or bad, happens to a person is just a product of destiny. That’s why so many people have resigned to poor state of life. Their quality of life is quite nauseating. They have unconsciously come to believe that human beings are not in control of their lives. Contrary to that point of view, I would like to submit that destiny synonym may be any or all of the following:

1. Personality
2. Purpose
3. Problem

1. Personality

Without controversy, personality is a destiny synonym. How do I mean? According to general beliefs, the events that take place around a person are factors of destiny. However, it should be noted that virtually all the events are subject to personality traits of the individual. Take for instance; someone who lacks an organized personality may fall into terrible difficulties by virtue of carelessness or poor mental attitude. Do you want to tell me that it is destiny that directly dictates the habits of highly successful people in the society as well as the failure of their neighbors? No.

Destiny is more than just being under the control of a higher influence or power which determines the events of your life. Rather, destiny is an element of YOU. It is in you; you have control over it. Destiny is what you are, and what you are is what you are supposed to be and do. It is a whole bunch of personality factors.

Let me quickly intercept your thinking pattern that to be a victim of a natural disaster or an accident is the destiny of those involved. That’s wrong. Get a positive thinking about destiny today.

2. Purpose

Another destiny synonym is purpose. The subject of purpose is directly tied to your personality. If you look closely at yourself, you would see that there are traits, talents, gifts, acquired skills and beliefs that you have. The combination of these is an indicator of the purpose of your human existence.

If you would agree with me, you could point to the fact that these peculiarities have shaped events in your life over the years. They are the core values of your passion in certain pursuits; they are the driving force for your progress, goals, visions and plans. That’s destiny at work. You can see another proof that you are in control. No force picks up on you to bring events into place; you simply create them by your calculative, imaginative and creative efforts.

3. Problem

Are you dazed to hear that problem is also a destiny synonym? There is no single person who is problem-free. Having problems is part of human life. So, you have no excuse to resign to failure or disappointment. If you have an organized personality and a purpose in your mind, you would see problems as opportunities to re-learn what you have not done well, or to find and learn what you don’t have so as to surmount such a problem.


Attitude Synonym: Discover the Secret to Life

Basically, the life of every person rotates on the axis of attitude. In other words, the standard or quality of your life is a function of your attitude to life generally.

For simplicity, many people would like to understand the import of attitude as a determining factor of what becomes of them, thus the need to give a definite attitude synonym. From this, you will know why the poor is poor, and why the rich is rich.

What is attitude?

First and foremost, I would like to give a definition of attitude. Generally, attitude refers to one’s way of thinking as well as one’s way of behavior.

So, from the foregoing, the first attitude synonym I would like to use to define the meaning of attitude is the power of the mind as regards thinking pattern or thoughts.

The simple fact here is that your entire life will be driven towards the direction of your thoughts. What you think is what becomes of you. Therefore, to have control over your life requires that you have control over your thoughts.

Now, the second attitude synonym that tells us about the meaning of attitude is your behavior. I would like to state that attitude is a synthesis of cause and effect. Behavior is the effect, which is how you act, do things, or respond to issues of life while your thinking pattern is the cause.

Do you know that the rich and the poor do have the same mindset? You need good, positive mental attitude to have good behavioral attitude to life. This goes a long way to determine what you are and what you will be.

If you want to improve the quality of your life, improve your thoughts, and gradually, you begin to see positive changes because you will be driven towards doing the right thing and taking the right steps in all things.

The value of your thinking and behavior determines your attitude, and your attitude dictates how high your altitude in life achievement will be. You need to read Super Mind Power and see yourself climb to the top of the ladder, moving from poverty to prosperity, and from failure to success.