


There are countless number of published materials both online and offline. And, there are many of them that are geared towards inspiring people to excel in their endeavours. There are many people in this kind of writing job – the likes of John Maxwell, Brian Tracy, Mike Muddock, Zig Ziglag, etc. their areas of specialization range from leadership, life purpose and potentials, management, human relation, and to many other human-oriented activities.

What is the importance of this kind of writing?

Isaac Newton postulated and proved a principle called the law of inertia.
1. an object will remain in a stationary position unless an external force is applied to move it in the direction of the force.
2. an object will continue to move in a straight line unless an external force is applied to change its direction.

Thus, inspirational write-ups constitute a driving force for excellence in life. Events of success will not take place unless the principles that will make them happen are set in motion. Indeed, life is a dynamic.

You need motivation that will move in the direction of success with respect to your goals.
You need inspirational thoughts and concepts that will alter your direction when you are moving on a lone of action that is bound to hit the rock.
You need motivation that will propel you into proactivity when you are static both in thought and action.

How much of what you read in motivational write-ups can you commit to memory? Since all of them have the same importance, then the following summary should be of help.

*Call upon God to discover who you are

*Conceptualize a purpose for you life

*Collect/collate relevant information

*Create where you want to start

*Compound your imagination with creativity

*Chart your vision

*Count the cost of your pursuit and pay the price for the prize

*Convert your passion into action

*Concentrate on your direction of pursuit and purpose

*Commit yourself to set goals

*Collaborate with resource persons

*Carry out your plans and policies

*Chance risks and challenges

*Checkmate limitations (such as fears)

*Cultivate attitude of excellence (integrity, love, forgiving spirit, optimism, etc)

*Cut off bad habits (unfriendliness, falsehood, promise-breaking)

*Complete the project, work or pursuit

*Clinch the targeted breakthroughs

*Count you blessings and bless God for the success

Looking at it critically, you would realize that motivationals that have to do with life fulfillments can be related to the above Simple Success Formula. Such motivationals will fall into one or more of the lines.

Point of Action
Take an A4-sized card. Print out the summary on it and paste it at a place where you can see it every day. One fact is that the summary is like a loop that is endless. There is always something to achieve at every stage in life.

You are powered for excellence. Go, achieve your vision!

PS: this summary is not a substitute for motivationals. Read more of them while you fix your inner eyes on the SSF.

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